- タイトル
- Windows用のPDF Split and Merge 5.2.9
- 必要条件
- Windows Vista
- Windows XP
- Windows 10
- Windows 7
- Windows 8
- Windows 11
- Windows 8.1
- 言語
- 日本語
- 利用可能な言語
- アラビア語
- チェコ語
- デンマーク語
- ドイツ語
- ギリシャ語
- 英語
- スペイン語
- フィンランド語
- フランス語
- イタリア語
- 日本語
- 韓国語
- オランダ語
- ノルウェー語
- ポーランド語
- ポルトガル語
- ロシア語
- スウェーデン語
- トルコ語
- 中国語
- ライセンス
- 無料
- 最新の更新
- 著者
- Pdfsam
- SHA-1
- ファイル名
- PDF_Split_and_Merge_V5.2.9.msi
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Adolix Split & Merge PDF
Adolix Split & Merge ドキュメント リーダー
PDFill PDF Editor
PDFill PDF Editor is an inexpensive alternative to Adobe offering. PDFill PDF Editor has numerous tools to chose from. You can use the Free PDF Writer to create free PDF or images from any printable application. With PDFill PDF Editor you can merge, split, reorder, delete, encrypt, decrypt, rotate, crop and reformat PDF pages, add information/header/footer/watermarks, convert images to PDF or PDF to images, scan a Paper to PDF, and more. Key Features include: Easy to use. Archive your filled out forms for later printing, email or modification. Scan paper forms as an image and then insert it into a blank PDF page for modification. Insert your signature into a PDF document. Cover original text with whiteout and fill in with new text. Convert any paper form into PDF format and then fill in with PDFill. Spell checker. Smart positioning to quickly and easily align text horizontally or vertically for perfect alignment. Free technical support and free upgrades. PDFill PDF Editor has lots of useful tools and features including the ability to let you save all your editing back to the Original PDF document. You can save the filled PDF locally with options to add output options, description, encrypt/decrypt, initial view, presentation effect and add advanced options. The app also has some useful annotation features including the ability to write, draw, mark or highlight PDF documents on your PC with mouse or on your Tablet PC using the pen input.
Icecream PDF Editor
Icecream PDF Editor allows the user to manage and tinker with PDF files “easier than ever before”. It gives you access to all the editing modes and tools that you will need, presenting them in a smart and user-friendly tools panel. From there you can edit text, redact protected files, manage pages, add notes and lots more. Icecream believe that their application will give users a great opportunity to learn how to edit this type of document in “a hassle-free way”. Key features include: Edit text. Edit objects. Manage pages. Productivity booster. Protect PDF. Annotate PDF. Add stamps or watermark. Operating on Windows 10, Icecream say the product is a real productivity booster. Smart editing and video tutorials are all available for free. You are also able to visually combine and reorder PDF pages as well as split and merge PDF files. Moreover, PDF objects can be moved, resized and rotated. By setting a password or limiting editing and copying rights you can also protect your PDF. Adding custom stamps will also make for better and quicker proofreading, while you can also add notes and strike through or highlight areas and text. Adding your watermark and drawing on the document is also available. Overall, Icecream PDF Editor delivers a straightforward and effective service. You are able to make adjustments to files, as well as protect them. The great usability also makes this product a very tempting download indeed.
DVDFab 64-bit
DVDFab 64-bit is a DVD/Blu-ray/video processing application. The application allows you to copy any DVD/Blu-ray disc to a computer HDD and then burn it to blank media, or convert it to a variety of video files to be played on either a computer, portable devices or other compatible display. DVDFab 64-bit is an integrated shareware package that includes DVDFab DVD Copy, DVDFab DVD Ripper, DVDFab Blu-ray Copy, DVDFab Blu-ray Ripper, DVDFab Blu-ray to DVD Converter, DVDFab Blu-ray 3D Ripper, DVDFab 2D to 3D Converter, DVDFab Video Converter, DVD Creator, Blu-ray Creator, and DVDFab File Transfer. KEY FEATURES INCLUDE: Copy any DVD/Blu-ray disc to HDD as DVD/Blu-ray ISO image file or standard DVD/Blu-ray folder. Burn any DVD/Blu-ray disc, ISO image file and standard DVD/Blu-ray folder to blank media, full disc or main movie only. Split/Customize Split/Customize one DVD 9 disc to two blank DVD 5 discs. Merge more than one DVD discs into one DVD9/5 disc. Convert 3D Blu-ray disc to 3D video files like AVI/MP4/MKV and more and convert 3D Blu-ray disc to2D Blu-ray or to SBS 3D Blu-ray.. Clone identical DVD/Blu-ray disc. System requirements: Windows 8/7/Vista/XP(32/64 bit)
DVDFab 10 64-bit is a DVD/Blu-ray/video processing application. The application allows you to copy any DVD/Blu-ray disc to a computer HDD and then burn it to blank media, or convert it to a variety of video files to be played on either a computer, portable devices or other compatible display. DVDFab 10 64-bit is an integrated shareware package that includes DVDFab DVD Copy, DVDFab DVD Ripper, DVDFab Blu-ray Copy, DVDFab Blu-ray Ripper, DVDFab Blu-ray to DVD Converter, DVDFab Blu-ray 3D Ripper, DVDFab 2D to 3D Converter, DVDFab Video Converter, DVD Creator, Blu-ray Creator, and DVDFab File Transfer. KEY FEATURES INCLUDE: Copy any DVD/Blu-ray disc to HDD as DVD/Blu-ray ISO image file or standard DVD/Blu-ray folder. Burn any DVD/Blu-ray disc, ISO image file and standard DVD/Blu-ray folder to blank media, full disc or main movie only. Split/Customize Split/Customize one DVD 9 disc to two blank DVD 5 discs. Merge more than one DVD discs into one DVD9/5 disc. Convert 3D Blu-ray disc to 3D video files like AVI/MP4/MKV and more and convert 3D Blu-ray disc to2D Blu-ray or to SBS 3D Blu-ray.. Clone identical DVD/Blu-ray disc. System requirements: Windows 8/7/Vista/XP(32/64 bit)
2007 Microsoft Office Add-in: Microsoft Save as PDF or XPS
2007 Microsoft Officeアドイン:PDFまたはXPSとして保存すると、8つの2007 Microsoft OfficeプログラムでPDFおよびXPS形式にエクスポートして保存できます。このツールを使用すると、これらのプログラムのサブセットでPDF形式およびXPS形式の電子メール添付ファイルとして送信することもできます(特定の機能はプログラムによって異なります)。 このダウンロードは、次のOfficeプログラムで動作します。 Microsoft Office Access 2007。 Microsoft Office Excel 2007。 Microsoft Office InfoPath 2007。 Microsoft Office OneNote 2007。 Microsoft Office PowerPoint 2007。 Microsoft Office Publisher 2007。 Microsoft Office Visio 2007。 Microsoft Office Word 2007。 2007 Microsoft OfficeプログラムのこのMicrosoft Save as PDFまたはXPSアドインは、2007 Microsoft Office systemソフトウェアの補足条項であり、2007 Microsoft Office systemソフトウェアのライセンス条項の対象となります。 システム要件:サポートされているオペレーティングシステム。 Windows Server 2003、Windows Vista、Windows XP Service Pack 2。
Icecream PDF Split&Merge
Icecream PDF Split&Mergeは、PDFファイルを分割およびマージするための無料のツールです。選択できる4つの分割モードがあります。単一ページファイルへ、ページのグループごと、特定のページの削除、ページ範囲ごと。 Icecream PDF Split&Mergeの無料版には、PROバージョンにいくつかの制限があります。無料版では、分割モードでのドキュメントの数に40ページの制限があります。マージモードでの1つのマージあたりのファイル数は3ファイルに制限されています。残念ながら、無料版のIcecream PDF Split&MergeでマージされたPDFファイルのパスワードを設定することもできません。 主な機能は次のとおりです。 PROバージョンで許可されるページまたはPDFドキュメントの数に制限はありません。 PROバージョンでは、パスワードで保護されたファイルの分割とマージも可能です。 ドラッグアンドドロップのサポートにより、PDFファイルを非常に簡単な方法で追加できます。 内蔵PDFリーダーを使用すると、プログラムのインターフェイスから直接PDFファイルをプレビューできます。 アプリケーションはPDFファイルの分割とマージの両方をサポートし、これらのモードは左上のボタンを1回マウスクリックするだけで簡単に変更できます。
PDF Merge & Split Tool
Soft4Boost Split Movie
Soft4Boost Split Movie is a video editing package that can easily and quickly cut unwanted scenes out of your movies without any need to re-encode the file. With it you can split and delete unnecessary scenes, edit audio directly in the video, and change scene sequence in MPEG, AVI, DVD, and Blu-ray formats. Key features include: Easy to use. Range of supported formats include: AVI, VOB, MP4, DVD, Blu-ray, WMV, 3GP, FLV, TS, DVR-MS, MOV, MKV. Multi-language support. Soft4Boost Split Movie's layout is easy to understand and the editing features of the application are quite varied, with you being able to undertake tasks such as adjusting the size, position and timeline of each added object, and you can shuffle parts or frames of your videos. If you just need to crop your footage at the beginning and the end, simply set the left and right markers to indicate where you want the video to start and end, and then edit it accordingly. Overall, Soft4Boost Split Movie is an easy to use video editor that has lots of features. The interface although basic, is fully functional; you are able to split video into chapters, and select between a number of different menu templates. Soft4Boost Split Movie supports a varied range of formats including VI, VOB, MP4, DVD, Blu-ray, WMV, 3GP, FLV, TS, DVR-MS, MOV, MKV. Soft4Boost Split Movie supports media from camcorders, video cameras and web cameras. You can also Burn your edited video files on to DVD- or Blu-ray discs
Audacity is a free, easy-to-use audio editor and recorder for Windows, Mac OS X, GNU/Linux and other operating systems. You can use Audacity to: Record live audio. Convert tapes and records into digital recordings or CDs. Edit Ogg Vorbis, MP3, WAV or AIFF sound files. Cut, copy, splice or mix sounds together. Change the speed or pitch of a recording. Add new effects with LADSPA plug-ins. And more!
Free Easy Do Pdf Split & Merge
Tera Term
Tera Term is an open source, free, software implemented, terminal emulator application. It can emulate different types of computer terminals, from DEC VT100 to DEC VT382, and it supports telnet, SSH 1 & 2 and serial port connections. It also has a built-in macro scripting language and some other useful plugins. Key features include: Automatically creates logs with unique log names. Supports SSH, standard telnet and serial ports. Supports dec/digital/vt terminal standards. Tera Term is a useful application, which allows the connection to any remote Telnet or SSH hosts. It sports a clean and crisp layout that is easy to work with. The application does not take a long time to wrap your head around and is also very light on system resources. So, if you need a free terminal emulator, which is easy to master and supports remote Telnet or SSH host connections then Tera Term is a good choice.
Adobe Reader DC
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簡単なゲーマー ユーティリティでゲーム体験を向上させる
Gammadyne Mailer
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Windows オペレーティング システム用のシンプルなテキスト エディター
PDF Architect
Windows 向けの最高の PDF 作成ツール - PDF Architect
AirDroid Desktop
PC およびスマートフォン用のリモート コントロールおよびコラボレーション スイート
Dynalist Inc.によるWindows用の無料アプリ。
Power BI Desktop
無料のデータ分析およびモデリング アプリ
Visual Studio Code
強力で無料のコードエディター:Visual Studio Codeのレビュー
Roblox の無料エクスプロイト
Snappy Driver Installer
Snappy ドライバー インストーラーは、不良ポインターの修正に役立ちます