- タイトル
- Windows用のSwitch Audio File Converter 12
- 必要条件
- Windows Vista
- Windows XP
- Windows 10
- Windows 7
- Windows 8
- Windows 8.1
- Windows 11
- 言語
- 日本語
- 利用可能な言語
- 英語
- 日本語
- ライセンス
- 無料
- 最新の更新
- 著者
- NCH Software
- SHA-1
- ファイル名
- switchsetup.exe
Switch Audio File Converterのバージョン12に関する変更ログ情報はまだありません。出版社がこの情報を公開するのに時間がかかる場合がありますので、数日後にもう一度チェックして更新されたかどうかを確認した後、
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The free video editor Avidemux comes with a well selected feature set to get your cutting, filtering and encoding tasks done. It reads and writes many file types (AVI, DVD, MPEG, MP4, ASF, MKV) and comes with a variety of common codecs and filters. Avidemux automates your tasks by creating projects and putting them into the job queue. Features: Non-linear video editing Apply filters and effects Transcode into various formats Insert or extract audio streams Subtitle processor Project system Powerful scripting capabilities Graphical or command line interfaces Video encoders: MPEG-4 AVC, XviD, MPEG-4 ASP, MPEG-2 Video, MPEG-1 Video, DV, ... Audio encoders: AC-3, AAC, MP3, MP2, Vorbis, PCM, ... Container: AVI, MPEG-PS/TS, MP4, MKV, FLV, OGM, ...
DVDFab 64-bit
DVDFab 64-bit is a DVD/Blu-ray/video processing application. The application allows you to copy any DVD/Blu-ray disc to a computer HDD and then burn it to blank media, or convert it to a variety of video files to be played on either a computer, portable devices or other compatible display. DVDFab 64-bit is an integrated shareware package that includes DVDFab DVD Copy, DVDFab DVD Ripper, DVDFab Blu-ray Copy, DVDFab Blu-ray Ripper, DVDFab Blu-ray to DVD Converter, DVDFab Blu-ray 3D Ripper, DVDFab 2D to 3D Converter, DVDFab Video Converter, DVD Creator, Blu-ray Creator, and DVDFab File Transfer. KEY FEATURES INCLUDE: Copy any DVD/Blu-ray disc to HDD as DVD/Blu-ray ISO image file or standard DVD/Blu-ray folder. Burn any DVD/Blu-ray disc, ISO image file and standard DVD/Blu-ray folder to blank media, full disc or main movie only. Split/Customize Split/Customize one DVD 9 disc to two blank DVD 5 discs. Merge more than one DVD discs into one DVD9/5 disc. Convert 3D Blu-ray disc to 3D video files like AVI/MP4/MKV and more and convert 3D Blu-ray disc to2D Blu-ray or to SBS 3D Blu-ray.. Clone identical DVD/Blu-ray disc. System requirements: Windows 8/7/Vista/XP(32/64 bit)
File Converter
Tichau Windows プログラム - ファイル形式を簡単に変換
Audacity is a free, easy-to-use audio editor and recorder for Windows, Mac OS X, GNU/Linux and other operating systems. You can use Audacity to: Record live audio. Convert tapes and records into digital recordings or CDs. Edit Ogg Vorbis, MP3, WAV or AIFF sound files. Cut, copy, splice or mix sounds together. Change the speed or pitch of a recording. Add new effects with LADSPA plug-ins. And more!
Realtek High Definition Audio
Realtek High Definition Audioコーデックは、MicrosoftのUAA(Universal Audio Architecture)に準拠しています。上位シリーズは、7.1サウンド再生を同時にサポートする10個のDACチャンネルに加えて、フロントパネルのステレオ出力を介した2チャンネルの独立したステレオサウンド出力(マルチストリーミング)を提供します。柔軟なミキシング、ミュート、ファインゲインコントロール機能により、ホームエンターテイメントPC向けの完全な統合オーディオソリューションが提供されます。 Microsoft WLP 3.10および将来のWLPオーディオ要件に適合 Windows Vista用のWaveRTベースのオーディオファンクションドライバー Direct Sound 3D対応ソフトウェアイコライザーとツールのマルチバンドが提供されます音声アプリケーション向けのマイク音響エコーキャンセレーション(AEC)、ノイズ抑制(NS)、およびビームフォーミング(BF)テクノロジ
Foobar2000 is an advanced audio player for the Windows platform. It is a convenient and flexible media player that can be customized to suit your specific needs and preferences. Foobar2000 does need a fair amount of time to tweak and setup, but once you are done you can use it in just about any way you need to manage your media library. Key Features include: Supported audio formats: MP3, MP4, AAC, CD Audio, WMA, Vorbis, FLAC, WavPack, WAV, AIFF, Musepack, Speex, AU, and SND. Gapless playback. Full unicode support. Easily customizable user interface layout. Advanced tagging capabilities. Support for ripping Audio CDs as well as transcoding all supported audio formats using the Converter component. Full ReplayGain support. Customizable keyboard shortcuts. Open component architecture. When you first install and setup the interface appears a tad bleak, but in reality it hides some powerful features and a vast array of customizable options. You can choose the Quick Setup option, or you can go make individual selections regarding the type of information you would like to see displayed. If you need, there are skins available to download as well. Foobar2000 is a great audio tool to have in your collection of apps. It is lightweight, has a small operating footprint and has some nice features. It has full unicode support, ReplayGain support and native support for several popular audio formats. On the downside, it isn’t that easy to navigate if you are a novice. However, there is some help documentation available to assist those less experienced users.
Realtek HD Audio Drivers x64
オーディオ ソフトウェア パッケージ
DVDFab 32-bit
DVDFab 32ビットは、DVD / Blu-ray /ビデオ処理アプリケーションです。このアプリケーションを使用すると、DVD / Blu-rayディスクをコンピューターのHDDにコピーして空のメディアに書き込むか、コンピューター、ポータブルデバイス、またはその他の互換性のあるディスプレイで再生するさまざまなビデオファイルに変換できます。 DVDFab 32ビットは、DVDFab DVDコピー、DVDFab DVDリッパー、DVDFabブルーレイコピー、DVDFabブルーレイリッパー、DVDFabブルーレイDVDコンバーター、DVDFabブルーレイ3Dリッパー、DVDFab 2Dから3Dを含む統合シェアウェアパッケージです。 Converter、DVDFab Video Converter、DVD Creator、Blu-ray Creator、およびDVDFab File Transfer。 主な機能は次のとおりです。 DVD / Blu-rayディスクをDVD / Blu-ray ISOイメージファイルまたは標準DVD / Blu-rayフォルダーとしてHDDにコピーします。 DVD / Blu-rayディスク、ISOイメージファイル、および標準DVD / Blu-rayフォルダーを空のメディア、フルディスク、またはメインムービーのみに書き込みます。 分割/カスタマイズ1枚のDVD 9ディスクを2枚の空のDVD 5ディスクに分割/カスタマイズします。複数のDVDディスクを1つのDVD9 / 5ディスクに結合します。 3D Blu-rayディスクをAVI / MP4 / MKVなどの3Dビデオファイルに変換し、3D Blu-rayディスクを2D Blu-rayまたはSBS 3D Blu-rayに変換します。 同一のDVD / Blu-rayディスクを複製します。 システム要件:Windows 8/7 / Vista / XP(32/64ビット)
Free Audio Converter
Free Audio Converter from DVDVideoSoft allows you to convert audio files to different output formats so that you can play them through various devices and programs. You have the option to convert the files to MP3, M4A, FLAC, ALAC, AMR, WAV, WMA, and more, as well as being able to select the output quality with options including: Original, LAME Insane, LAME Extreme, LAME Standard, High Quality, and Old Standard. Thanks to the Batch conversion feature, you can convert as many files as you want - as long as you are converting them to the same output. Once you have selected all the files you want to convert, simply click Convert and Free Audio Converter will do all the hard work for you. You can play around with the settings too because each format has a profile kit and a preset editor, giving you more control over your conversions. Overall this handy tool is simple, yet it works quickly and efficiently. Best of all - it's completely free, so give it a try! Please note: DVDVideoSoft's products are freeware. In order to maintain product development and provide you with high-quality software, DVDVideoSoft may bundle links to other websites and third-party apps installations including toolbars in its products. Every time DVDVideoSoft products are installed, you have an obvious option to accept or opt-out of such installations.
Helium Audio Converter
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Switch Audio Converter Free
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