
安全な盾のアイコンSafe Downloader

Safe Downloaderは、FileHippoの高価値サービスを介してアプリケーションを迅速かつ安全にダウンロードし、信頼性の高いダウンロードソースを保証します。

Safe Downloaderの利点

  • マルウェア保護は、ダウンロードに追加の不要なソフトウェアがインストールされているかどうかを通知します。
  • 追加のソフトウェアを発見する:Safe Downloaderで発見されるのを待っている新しいソフトウェアを試してください。
  • 当社では、追加のソフトウェアインストールを受け入れるかスキップするかを選択できます。

編集者レビュー · 2019年4月10日

AnyTrans iPhone Manager for Mac is iOS device manager with a simple uncluttered interface. With it, you can manage all your Apple products and consolidate all your content in one place. It allows you to simply transfer files from your iPhone, iPad or iPod to your PC or Mac or vice versa, and it supports music, videos, photos, messages, books, Safari history, voice memos, and other types of data.

AnyTrans gives you a simple solution that makes it easy to transfer any kind of data stored on your iOS device to your PC or Mac. You don't need to install any apps on your iOS device and you can get started as soon as you install AnyTrans iPhone Manager for Mac.

Upon installation you can attach your iOS device to your Mac and confirm that the device is a 'Trusted Connection' when you first plug it in. AnyTrans then automatically detects the type of device and furnishes you with a variety of options. At first glance it displays all of the media files available on your device. It is from here that you can select the files you want to transfer; simply click 'Import' in the bottom right corner, or alternatively, you can select 'Import All' and AnyTrans will import all your media to either your Mac or your iTunes library, whichever you prefer.

AnyTrans iPhone Manager for Mac also gives you another angle to work with your iCloud account. You can download photos in bulk from your iCloud Photos account and extract data from your iCloud backup. You can also integrate data from multiple iCloud accounts into one for quicker access.

AnyTrans iPhone Manager for Mac also gives you another angle to work with iCloud. You can download photos in bulk from your iCloud account and extract data from your iCloud backup. You can also integrate data from multiple iCloud accounts into one for quicker access. Once connected, AnyTrans can access and download all of your iCloud data if you so wish. Of course, connecting your iCloud account to AnyTrans is a step not to be taken lightly, and should be something which most users need to be quite cautious about.

Overall, AnyTrans iPhone Manager for Mac is a good iOS file utility for users that have both a Mac and a PC. The interface is clean and uncluttered and is pleasant to use; the main options are clearly displayed and easily navigated. AnyTrans gives you an easy, and simple way of transferring data between your iOS device and your Mac or PC.

AnyTrans iPhone Manager f…の拡大画像
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Mac用のAnyTrans iPhone Manager for Mac 7.0.5
Mac OS X
  • ドイツ語
  • 英語
  • スペイン語
  • フランス語
  • イタリア語
  • 日本語
  • ポーランド語
  • 中国語
iMobie Inc.



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