
安全な盾のアイコンSafe Downloader

Safe Downloaderは、FileHippoの高価値サービスを介してアプリケーションを迅速かつ安全にダウンロードし、信頼性の高いダウンロードソースを保証します。

Safe Downloaderの利点

  • マルウェア保護は、ダウンロードに追加の不要なソフトウェアがインストールされているかどうかを通知します。
  • 追加のソフトウェアを発見する:Safe Downloaderで発見されるのを待っている新しいソフトウェアを試してください。
  • 当社では、追加のソフトウェアインストールを受け入れるかスキップするかを選択できます。

編集者レビュー · 2000年1月1日

G Suite (formerly Google Apps for Work) is an all-in-one suite that combines all of the familiar productivity and collaboration tools by Google and puts them under one roof. The list of available apps comprise of Calendar, Drive, Gmail, Google Hangouts, Google+, and Sites, along with Google Docs, Sheets, Forms, Slides and Google Vault. The great thing about G Suite is that you have full control over all these apps via the Google Admin Console.

The Google Admin Console lets you add users, manage devices and configure security settings for your data. You can set up groups, add verification steps and employ single sign on (SSO) all from within a single console. This is a solid security feature that includes mobile device management by allowing you to enforce BYOD security policies on iOS and Android devices. With Google Vault you are able to undertake all kinds of administrative tasks, including archiving data, and searching and exporting your company's email/on-the-record chats for reporting and auditing purposes.

Team DriveThe new Team Drive feature lets organizations set up groups that own files inside Google Drive. This is a change from the previous design, which required every document to have a single person own it. The change is really important for organizations that want to manage files more easily, as people tend to move across teams. The new design means that teams can have their own folder inside Drive, and are able to own all of the files inside it.

Mutli-device supportSupported devices include Android, iPhone-iPad, iPhone, iPad, Mac, Windows, web-based, and Windows Phone.

Muti-language supportSupported languages include Chinese (Simplified), Czech, Danish, Dutch, English, Finnish, French, German, Hungarian, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Norwegian, Polish, Portuguese, Russian, Spanish, Swedish, Thai, Turkish, and Ukrainian.

Supported countries include Australia, Canada, Europe, Germany, India, Latin America, Middle-East and Africa, United Kingdom, and United States.

PricingG Suite uses a subscription pricing model, with plans starting from $5.00 per month. There is a free trial available (no credit card required). G Suite plans begin with a $5 per user per month plan, or $50 per user, per year, plus tax. G Suite also offers an unlimited storage and vault plan, priced from $10 per user, per month, or $120 per user per year plus tax.

Bottom LineWith G Suite your business can access all your Google apps at any time, and from anywhere, from a desktop or laptop computer, a tablet or a mobile phone. The admin console allows you to easily manage all company data, mobile devices, email addresses, and security settings, in fact, the vast array of features in G Suite covers all aspects of your day-to-day operations.

Not only does G Suite give you the ability to create online documents, spreadsheets, surveys/forms, and presentations, but it also provides you with the means to share, collaborate and comment on text documents, presentations, and spreadsheets using Google Drive. By utilising hundreds of pre-built templates, you can also build multiple projects.With G Suite you can also organize meetings more efficiently by scheduling events in a shared calendar. You can send reminders to Gmail, join video meetings with Hangouts and share your presentations with Slides.

G Suiteの拡大画像
G Suite 0/3


Web Apps用のG Suite 0
  • Firefox
  • Chrome
  • Internet Explorer
  • Opera
  • ドイツ語
  • 英語
  • スペイン語
  • フランス語
  • イタリア語
  • 日本語
  • ポーランド語
  • 中国語



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