- タイトル
- Windows用のDrawing Games: Draw & Color For Kids
- 必要条件
- Windows 10
- Windows 11
- 言語
- 利用可能な言語
- 英語
- ライセンス
- 無料
- 最新の更新
- 著者
- RV AppStudios
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Gom Cam 64-bit
Gom Cam is a desktop video capture app that is packed with useful features. It allows you to record anything on your PC Screen, whether that be webcam feed, presentations, video calls, or gaming screens. With GOM Cam you can record what you see on your PC screen exactly as it appears. You can also record all audio outputs from your PC as well. This allows you to create more dynamic videos. You can also capture images and customize your capture by drawing on the screen while recording.Not only can you record your screen, but you can edit them on GOM Cam instantly. Select as many sections as you like and set a background music to bring your video to the next level. A great feature of GOM Cam worth mentioning is that it is a life-time long product. Which means once you purchase a license, your minor updates for the purchased version are offered for free. Key Features include: Easy To Use:The intuitive UI allows anyone to use GOM Cam easily. GOM Cam saves you time and effort by helping you get straight to recording what you want. Easy Sharing: Share your videos on YouTube or Facebook, so more of your friends can enjoy your creations. You can also upload your videos to Google Drive or attach your files to emails and documents. Extract Audio: Extract audio from recorded clips and save it as a file. This is useful when you want to listen to background music only, or study languages. Lecture recording: Functions for making school or online class materials are provided in one-step. Record in Real-Time: Record everything in real-time. All of the functions, including drawing, enlarging/reducing the recording screen, and the effects settings, are executed in real-time. Gom Cam Video Editor: Gom Cam has Quick edit and advanced edit features that let you add music, and crop sections of clips as you see fit. Continuous Capture: Continuous capture is supported for your set time and desired quantity. GIF Animation: Make funny animated GIFs with just a few clicks. By connecting a webcam to your PC, you can record everything captured through your device. If you connect multiple webcams, you can merge the images into one video. GOM Cam also allows you to fill the video background with any images you want by using the chroma key function. Gom Cam also allows you to set & search tags. You can set tags (keywords) for saved files on the file list, and then search files easily using the set tags. Overall, GOM Cam is a great tool with various uses and capabilities. You can capture images, during recording mode, draw on videos, zoom in/out, schedule recordings, and manage effects. It is lightweight, and consumes minimal system resources. *The Free version limits recording time to 20 minutes, and includes advertisements.
Adobe Flash Player
Adobe Flash Player is the high performance, lightweight, highly expressive client runtime that delivers powerful and consistent user experiences across major operating systems, browsers, and mobile devices. Adobe Flash Player is the choice of both individuals and organizations when it comes to a highly powerful and extremely adaptable multi-platform client runtime. Flash has many new features and continues to be the ubiquitous Web standard; this software is included with all major Web browsers. Adobe Flash Player supports several data formats including AMF, SWF, XML and JSON. The multimedia formats which are supported by Flash Player include .MP3, .FLV, .JPEG, .GIF, .PNG and .RTMP. Other supported features include accelerated graphics rendering, multi-thread video decoding and webcam support for StageVideo. Adobe Flash Player also enables greater privacy controls, utilizing protected HTTP Dynamic Streaming (HDS). Key features include: Advanced compression technology and multi-threaded video decoding provides High-quality, Low bandwidth video. Crisp artistic text, utilising an advanced text rendering engine. Stage 3D accelerated graphics rendering. Engaging Flash video, content and applications with full screen mode. Real-time dynamic effects consisting of numerous filters for Bevel, Glow, DropShadow, Blur, Displacement Map, Color Matrix, Convolution, Gradient Glow and Gradient Bevel. Blend modes, stroke enhancement and radial gradient. The versatility of Adobe Flash player is second to none, with animations that can incorporate both text and vector graphics. These animations typically do not take up large amounts of disk space and the contents of Flash animations can also be compressed to reduce their file sizes further. Adobe Flash Player is available across all major operating systems, tablets, smart phones and browsers, and it can deliver high quality digital content via a powerhouse package.
Coloring Games: Coloring Book, Painting, Glow Draw
EaseUS Partition Master Free
Partition Magicの代替として、EASEUS Partition Master Home Editionは無料のオールインワンパーティションソリューションおよびディスク管理ユーティリティです。パーティションの拡張(特にシステムドライブ用)、ディスク領域の管理、MBRおよびGUIDパーティションテーブル(GPT)ディスクのディスク領域不足の問題の解決を可能にします。 パーティションのサイズ変更/移動システムドライブを拡張するディスクとパーティションをコピーパーティションをマージ分割パーティション空き領域を再分配するダイナミックディスクの変換パーティションを回復する
Google Chrome
Symyx Draw
Symyx Draw - ニーズに合ったツール
Coloring Book: Drawing For Adults And Kids
ほとんどの最適化ツールではドライブ全体を最適化しますが、Defragglerで はドライブ全体はもとより、最適化するファイルやフォルダーを指定する事ができます。 Defragglerがファイルの読み込みや書き込みをする際にはWindowsと全く同じ技術を使用しますので、Defragglerの使用はWindowsを使用するのと同じようにファイルに対して安全です。 あなたのハードドライブがどれほど断片化しているかが一目でわかります。Defragglerのドライブマップは、空のブロックと断片化していないブロック、そして最適化が必要なブロックを表示します。 Quick Defragでハードドライブの即時修正ができます。 断片化をさらに予防するため、空のディスクスペースを整理します。 就寝中に最適化しますので、起床時には加速化したPCが待っています。Defraggler は毎日、毎週または毎月の間隔でセットして下さい。 多言語でWindows OSをフルサポート 主な37ヶ国の言語をサポートしています Defraggler はCCleaner やRecuvaを提供するPiriformにより開発されました。だから全くの無料です!
Colors & Shapes - Kids Learn Color and Shape
カラー&シェイプ - 子供たちは色と形を学びます
Drawing for Children
子供向けの段階的な描画 - 楽しさと興奮を体験してください
Kindle for PCは、PCでKindle本を読むことができる無料のアプリケーションです。 コンピューターでKindle本を読む PCで最高の読書体験をお楽しみください。 Kindleは必要ありません。 Kindleを持っていなくてもKindle本にアクセスできます。 Whispersyncを使用して、デバイス間の最後のページの読み取りと注釈を自動的に同期します。 ブックマークを作成し、Kindleで作成した注釈を表示します。
Abrix for kids
Abrix for Kids - 一款有趣而引人入胜的逻辑游戏