編集者レビュー · 2024年2月2日
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- Windows用のNeed for Speed: Most Wanted - A Criterion Game 0
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- Windows 11
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- Criterion Games
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Need for Speed Carbon
Audacity is a free, easy-to-use audio editor and recorder for Windows, Mac OS X, GNU/Linux and other operating systems. You can use Audacity to: Record live audio. Convert tapes and records into digital recordings or CDs. Edit Ogg Vorbis, MP3, WAV or AIFF sound files. Cut, copy, splice or mix sounds together. Change the speed or pitch of a recording. Add new effects with LADSPA plug-ins. And more!
Need for Speed: Most Wanted
Need for Speed: Most Wanted Trailer
Need for Speed: Most Wanted トレーラーレビュー
Need for Speed: Most Wanted Remake
VMware Workstation Pro
There are numerous virtual environment provides on the market today, some put ease of use above functionality, other place integration above stability. VMware Workstation Pro is the easiest to use, the fastest and the most reliable app when it comes to evaluating a new OS, or new software apps and patches, in an isolated and safe virtualized environment. Key Features include: Powerful 3D Graphics - DirectX 10* and OpenGL 3.3 support. VMware Compatibility - Create one; Run anywhere on VMware software. vSphere and vCloud Air Support - Drag and drop VMs between environments. Restricted and Encrypted VMs - Protection and performance enhancements. Expiring Virtual Machines - Time-limited virtual machines. Latest Hardware Support - Broadwell and Haswell CPU support. Enterprise Quality Virtual Machines - 16 vCPUs, 8TB virtual disks, and 64GB memory. Enhanced IPv6 Support - IPv6-to-IPv4 NAT (6to4 and 4to6). Virtual Machine Video Memory - Up to 2GB. Enhanced Connectivity - USB 3.0, Bluetooth, HD audio, printers, and Skype support. High Resolution Displays - 4K UHD and QHD+ support. VMware Workstation Pro is a perfect choice for those of you who are a little skeptical about making the leap over to Windows 10. By utilizing an app like this, you'll get to try out all of Windows 10's new features in a safe sandboxed environment, without the need to install the OS natively. VMware Workstation Pro doesn't just support Microsofts OS, you can also install Linux VMs, including Ubuntu, Red Hat, Fedora, and lots of other distributions as well. Overall, Workstation Pro offers high performance, strong reliability, and cutting edge features that make it stand out from the crowd. The full version is a little pricey, but you do get what you pay for.
Need for Speed Heat
Need for Speed Heat レビュー
Tera Term
Tera Term is an open source, free, software implemented, terminal emulator application. It can emulate different types of computer terminals, from DEC VT100 to DEC VT382, and it supports telnet, SSH 1 & 2 and serial port connections. It also has a built-in macro scripting language and some other useful plugins. Key features include: Automatically creates logs with unique log names. Supports SSH, standard telnet and serial ports. Supports dec/digital/vt terminal standards. Tera Term is a useful application, which allows the connection to any remote Telnet or SSH hosts. It sports a clean and crisp layout that is easy to work with. The application does not take a long time to wrap your head around and is also very light on system resources. So, if you need a free terminal emulator, which is easy to master and supports remote Telnet or SSH host connections then Tera Term is a good choice.
Need For Speed World
Need For Speed Worldは、非常に人気のあるアーケードスタイルのレーシングゲームフランチャイズの無料のオンラインバージョンです。このゲームは大規模なマルチプレイヤーのオープンワールドゲームであり、このゲームを使用して、世界中の多くのプレイヤーと交流し、レースを行うことができます。 ニードフォースピードワールドには、RPGスタイルのレベルアップとロック解除のための改良された車があります。このゲームでは、新しい友達を追加して、コンテストに参加したり、レースで互いに競ったりできます。 ゲームをプレイするには、ユーザーアカウントが必要です。アカウントを設定するとすぐに、ドライバープロファイルの作成から開始し、最初の選択から最初の車を選択できます。他のアーケードロールプレイングゲームと同様に、目標を完了する必要があります。レースに勝ち、経験値を獲得します。レベルアップを開始すると、より良い車を見つけることができます。 ニードフォースピードワールドには非常に直感的なゲームプレイがありますが、アーケードスタイルの処理は実際には現実的または正確ではないことを意味します。フルスピードでのターンやドリフトなど、ゲームでできる楽しいことがいくつかあります。車の速度を上げて、敵を邪魔にならないようにすることもできます。 全体的に見て、アーケードスタイルはあまりリアルではありませんが、プレイするのはとても楽しいです。グラフィックは非常に滑らかであり、ゲームプレイはMMOGに非常に適しています。欠点は、フリーモードの他のプレイヤーがゴーストとしてのみ表示され、それらを通過できることです。
Need for Speed UnderGround 2
ニード・フォー・スピード・アンダーグラウンド 2 - 2021 ゲームのリマスター
HandBrake 32-bit
With HandBrake you can successfully convert video from almost any format to a plethora of widely supported and up-to-date codecs. The free and open-source program is a GPL-licensed, multiplatform and multi-threaded DVD to MPEG-4 converter, available for Windows, Mac and Linux. HandBrake is not limited to DVDs, it will now accept practically any type of video as a source. Its latest version was launched in late 2018 and comes with a wealth of updates and fixed issues. As ever you can get started in seconds by choosing a profile optimised for your device and navigating this easy to use interface. Key features include: Title and chapter selection. Subtitle support (VobSub Closed Captions CCEA-608, SSA, SRT). Integrated bitrate calculator. Live static and video preview. Picture deinterlacing, cropping and scaling. Video filters and Grayscale encoding. Support for VFR and CFR. The open source video transcoder promises to offer a “simple, easy and fast” service as well as high-quality conversions. It is considered a great program to use if you want more choice or to tweak many basic and advanced options in order to improve encoding. Overall, the new and improved version of HandBrake offers a straightforward and results-driven approach. It can process most common multimedia files and any DVD or BluRay sources that do not contain any kind of copy protection. Further details and the latest news surrounding the program can be viewed on the software creator’s website.
Midori is a fast, lightweight and easy to use web browser. The interface is minimalistic and uncluttered, providing you with exactly what you need; the core navigation buttons to surf the Internet. Apart from the simplistic style, Midori does have a few cool features worth noting. The Speed Dial site launcher screen and the default Duck Duck Go search engine, to name a couple. There is also an RSS icon in the address bar, for when your chosen feeds are available. By default, your tabs from your last session are reopened when you next use Midori, and the app does feature some helpful built-in privacy tools, including script disabling, and third-party cookie blocking. It also has an integrated ad-blocker and cookie manager installed with the included extensions. As far as speed goes, Midori really is, quite a fast web browser, utilizing the latest web technologies and a tiny, yet agile array of extensions, which provide most of the features that you need in a basic browser. Navigating the app is child’s play, and it won’t take you long to locate all the features; bookmarks, history and download management, private browsing etc. The only downsides we could see were with the Import Bookmarks tool. This will not locate and use your other browsers’ data, it imports from an XBEL or HTML file only.The extension support is, likewise, very limited as well. If you are looking for extensive preferences or settings to tweak around with, then this isn’t the browser you are looking for. Overall, if you are a power user, then keep clear. If, however, you need bare bones web browsing, Midori will provide you with a lightweight, trimmed web browser that is quick and easy to use.
Pico World Race
LTspice - デジタル信号用コンデンサのシミュレータ
Adobe Reader DC
Visual Studio Code
強力で無料のコードエディター:Visual Studio Codeのレビュー
Roblox の無料エクスプロイト
Snappy Driver Installer
Snappy ドライバー インストーラーは、不良ポインターの修正に役立ちます
Organize, store, and read your e-books: あなたの電子書籍を整理、保存、読む
CapCut - 素晴らしいビデオを編集し、それらをソーシャルネットワークにアップロードします
Rebtel: コスト効果の高いコミュニケーションソリューション
Second Life
Wavebox: ワークスペースのための包括的なブラウザ