編集者レビュー · 2024年5月15日
- タイトル
- Mac用のEnter the Titan 0.1.5
- 必要条件
- Mac OS X 10.0
- 言語
- 利用可能な言語
- 英語
- ライセンス
- 無料
- 最新の更新
- 著者
- Francois van Niekerk
- SHA-1
- ファイル名
- enter-the-titan-osx.zip
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Keynote is an easy to use and yet very powerful presentation software, designed by Apple. The Keynote software provides you with a massive array of tools and effects to ensure your presentations stand out from the crowd. It can be used for home, academic and business presentations. There are over 30 Apple-designed themes to choose from. The visual effects are simply stunning to use. When combined with graphics, transitions and images, you can create high quality presentations with a fresh look. Using Keynote you can create amazing presentations both quickly and easily. The software uses a simple drag and drop interface with a clean and well designed format panel and toolbar. Keynote automatically saves your presentation as you make changes and with iCloud you can access and edit your work from your Mac, iPad, iPhone, iPod Touch and iCloud.com. You can import a varied range of media types including; JPEG, TIFF, PNG, PSD, EPS, PDF, AIFF, MP3, AAC, and MOV. When you have created you masterpiece, you can export your presentations to Microsoft PowerPoint, PDF, QuickTime, HTML and image files. You can then share as Movie to Facebook, Vimeo, and YouTube. Main Features: Get Started Quickly Easy To Use Graphics Tools Cinema Quality Animations Share Your Work Easily As Apple says: Keynote. Your presentation. Totally decked out.
Apple iMovieを使用すると、見事なHDムービーやハリウッドスタイルの予告編を作成できます。ビデオライブラリを参照して、お気に入りのビデオを簡単に共有できます。ビデオは外部デバイスからインポートして、簡単に微調整、再配置、編集してから、共有したりDVDに書き込んだりできます。 機能が含まれます: 日付でサイドバーのイベントをソートするオプション新しいタイトルのフォント、サイズ、色を変更するタイムラインのトランジションをダブルクリックして、継続時間を調整しますイベント内のクリップの切り取りと回転調整バーを使用して速度効果を追加する速度効果の出入りをスムーズに切り替えるオプション
Adobe Flash Player for Mac
Adobe Flash Player for Mac is the high performance, lightweight, highly expressive component that delivers powerful and consistent user experiences across various versions of the Mac OS, different browsers, and countless mobile devices. Adobe Flash Player for Mac is an essential component for watching video on the Mac platform. Flash has many new features and continues to be the ubiquitous Web standard; this software is included with all major Web browsers. Adobe Flash Player for Mac supports several data formats including AMF, SWF, XML and JSON. The multimedia formats which are supported by Flash Player include .MP3, .FLV, .JPEG, .GIF, .PNG and .RTMP. Other supported features include accelerated graphics rendering, multi-thread video decoding and webcam support for StageVideo. Adobe Flash Player also enables greater privacy controls, utilizing protected HTTP Dynamic Streaming (HDS). Key features include: Advanced compression technology and multi-threaded video decoding provides High-quality, Low bandwidth video. Crisp artistic text, utilising an advanced text rendering engine. Stage 3D accelerated graphics rendering. Engaging Flash video, content and applications with full screen mode. Real-time dynamic effects consisting of numerous filters for Bevel, Glow, DropShadow, Blur, Displacement Map, Color Matrix, Convolution, Gradient Glow and Gradient Bevel. Blend modes, stroke enhancement and radial gradient. The versatility of Adobe Flash player for Mac is second to none, with animations that can incorporate both text and vector graphics. These animations typically do not take up large amounts of disk space and the contents of Flash animations can also be compressed to reduce their file sizes further. Adobe Flash Player for Mac is available across all major operating systems, tablets, smart phones and browsers, and it can deliver high quality digital content via a powerhouse package.
VMWare Fusion Pro
VMware Fusion Proを使用すると、再起動することなく、だれでもMacでWindowsや他の何百ものオペレーティングシステムを実行できます。このアプリは、新規ユーザーにとっては十分にシンプルでありながら、ITプロフェッショナル、開発者、および企業にとっては十分に強力です。 主な機能は次のとおりです。 MacOS Sierra対応の VMware Fusion Proを使用すると、MacOS 10.12 Sierraを搭載したMacで仮想マシンを起動したり、サンドボックスで新しいmacOSを安全にテストしたりできます。 Windows 10向けに構築Windows 10を Macの仮想マシンとして実行するための完全なサポート。 柔軟なアプリインタラクションユニティモードではWindowsデスクトップが非表示になるため、WindowsアプリをMacアプリのように実行できます。 Dock、Spotlight、またはLaunchpadから直接起動し、Exposé、Spaces、Mission Controlで表示できます。 Macのショートカットと直感的なジェスチャーを使用して、Windowsアプリを簡単に操作できます。 スナップショット VMware Fusion Proでは、スナップショットを使用して「ロールバックポイント」を作成し、オンザフライに戻すことができます。 システム要件:64ビット対応Intel®Mac(Core 2 Duo、Xeon、i3、i5、i7以上のプロセッサーと互換性があります)最小4GBのRAM.VMware Fusion用に750MBの空きディスク容量、各仮想マシンに少なくとも5GB 仮想マシンのオペレーティングシステムインストールメディア(ディスクまたはディスクイメージ)。 Windows DirectX 10またはOpenGL 3.3に推奨されるグラフィックハードウェアには、NVIDIA 8600M以上およびATI 2600以上が含まれます。 ホストオペレーティングシステム: Mac OS X 10.9 Mavericks。 Mac OS X 10.10 Yosemite。 Mac OS X 10.11 El Capitan。 MacOS 10.12 Sierra。 ゲストオペレーティングシステムは次のとおりです。 ウインドウズ10 Windows8.X。 Windows 7。 Windows XP。 Mac OS 10.12 Sierra。 Mac OS X 10.11 El Capitan。 Mac OS X 10.10 Yosemite。 Mac OS X 10.9 Mavericks。 Ubuntu。 RedHat。 スーゼ。 Debian。 CentOS。 VMware Fusion Proは、macOSで最高の仮想マシンモニターの1つとして宣伝されています。俊敏性、生産性、セキュリティを毎日提供します。このアプリは、あらゆるレベルの専門知識を持つユーザーが非常に簡単にナビゲートできます。
VisualBoyAdvance for Mac
VisualBoyAdvance for Macは、任天堂のハンドヘルドコンソールで利用可能なすべてのゲームをエミュレートできるゲームエミュレーターであり、1487 kbのフラッシュをサポートできます。また、アプリケーションはゲームに自動IPパッチを適用します。 このアプリケーションが提供するGameBoyおよびGameBoy Advanceエミュレーションは、エミュレートされた環境ではかなり正確です。 VisualBoyAdvance for Macはインストールが非常に簡単で、数MBのスペースしか使用しません。古いシステムでは非常にうまく機能しますが、新しいシステムにインストールするとクラッシュすることが知られています。 表示エラーが発生している可能性があり、画面に正しく収まらない場合があります。そうは言っても、古いGameBoy環境をサポートする最も包括的なアプリケーションの1つです。 VisualBoyAdvance for Macはそれほど複雑なアプリケーションではありませんが、初心者ユーザーは開始前にエミュレーションとその基本を学ぶ必要があります。 VisualBoyAdvanceのWindowsバージョンをお探しですか?ここからダウンロード
LibreCAD for Mac
LibreCAD for Mac is a fully comprehensive, open source, 2D CAD application. It is available in more than 20 languages and is also cross platform for all major operating systems, including Microsoft Windows, Mac OS X and Linux (Debian, Ubuntu, Fedora, Mandriva, Suse, etc). LibreCAD for Mac's interface may seem a bit cluttered at first glance, but you will get used to it quickly if you view the very comprehensive Help documentation that is bundled with the application. The interface basically has a menu bar with a large number of buttons to enable you to add elements easily. There is also a number of panes that you can view your on-going project from. LibreCAD for Mac supports numerous formats for importing, including DXF, LFF, CXF, JWW, BMP, GIF, ICO, JPG, PNG, PPM, SVG, TIFF, WBMP, XBM and TGA, whilst exporting is possible using DXF, LFF, CXF, DDS, ICNS, PBM, PNG, ICO, BMP, SVG, TIFF, ICO and PDF extensions. LibreCAD for Mac has plenty of editing and drawing options, including the ability to add lines, points, circles, ellipses, splines, polylines and text boxes. You can also zoom in and out with ease and move, copy, align, rotate, mirror, scale and trim elements. As well as lengthen, bevel, divide, stretch, delete and explode text into lettering. So, if you need more than a basic 2D CAD application, then LibreCAD for Mac is a good choice; it is well designed, consumes little resources and is free and open source. Looking for the Windows version of LibreCAD? Download Here
Soundflower is a MacOSX* system extension designed for inter-app audio routing (it allows apps to pass audio to other apps). The app has been designed to be very easy to use; it operates as an audio device, thereby allowing any audio app to send and receive audio with no other support required. For example; if you need an app to interact with another via the soundcard, simply select Soundflower as the output device in the first app and the same as the input device in the second app. Soundflower is an effective, free audio routing solution that has some cool features such as the ability to allow different apps to access the soundcard simultaneously. It also supports 2 and 16 channel audio. The downside is that some may find Soundflower tricky to configure at first. *OS X 10.5.8+ is required to run Soundflower.
FaceTime, Apple's answer to Skype, is one of the favorite video calling apps that allows you to keep in touch with family and friends through Apple devices. Getting started is easy, when you open FaceTime, you will see yourself on the screen and be required to enter your Apple ID. It sets up quickly, adding your address book directly from the Mac so that you can immediately call anyone who is available to chat with you. You can use every inch of the Mac display with the full screen display option, while the wide aspect ratio makes it easier for the whole family to participate in a group call. If a caller is using an iPhone, iPad or iPod Touch and they rotate the device, then the view smoothly transitions from portrait to landscape and vice versa. With a minimal interface FaceTime is a great video chat application that is easy to use and is certainly one of the best options for helping you communicate between your Mac and family or friends using Apple devices.
Microsoft Remote Desktop
Microsoftリモートデスクトップは、市場で最高のリモートデスクトップクライアントの1つです。 Macバージョンも利用できるようになりました。 Macバージョンは、ユーザーがPCをMacに接続し、マシン間でシームレスに作業するのに役立ちます。 このソフトウェアのセットアップは簡単です。ユーザーはメインダイアログボックスを開き、接続したいコンピューターのネットワークIDを入力するだけで、接続はほぼ瞬時に確立されます。または、接続を確立する必要があるコンピューターの名前を入力することもできます。ユーザーは、両方のマシンでターミナルサービスがアクティブになっていることを確認する必要があります。そうでない場合、接続プロンプトは拒否されます。個人的な好みを選択または構成することも可能です。これには、コンピューターの両方でハードドライブにアクセスできるようにすることや、マシンの解像度を選択することが含まれます。 多くの設定オプションと非常に滑らかなインターフェースを備えたこのソフトウェアは、あなたにとってうまく機能します。
Apple iWork
Apple iWork is a suite of applications for office work that is compatible with both Apple iOS and OSX platforms. The office suite comprises of the application Keynote; a program used to make presentations, Pages; an application used for creating documents, and the spreadsheet application Numbers. The iWork suite of applications is thought to be made with the prosumer market in mind with simplified features found in Microsoft Office for Mac, or the open source Libre Office software. The iWork applications also have touch screen support and compatibility with the iCloud software. Common Components Products in the iWork suite of applications have some common components which come from them sharing a similar application programming interfaces like Cocoa and other APIs. Among these common APIs are the multi-lingual spell checker application used in Safari and Mail. Other common design features include the color picker, grammar checking system, and the find/replace application. Also common among all iWork applications is the underlying document called the ‘canvas’ which is a generic container type of document that is used to provide a layout and storage mechanism in the Apple applications. Each application in the Apple iWork suite uses the canvas as a background and then places its own components on it to create a different program. In the Pages application for instance, the large text box is the central feature in the application when it is first opened, but this can then be altered by the user in any way they like. Similarly in Numbers, the spreadsheet application, the app opens with a grid of cells like a typical spreadsheet but the user again has a lot of freedom to play around with the data on the canvas. The iwork model is thought to be based on the earlier Apple designed OpenDoc which had a similar underlying document engine, along with a single on-disk format.
OnyX is a simple and powerful optimization tool for keeping you mac in top shape. This version requires Mac OS Mountain Lion, but other versions are available for Mac OS X 10.2 and higher. On running OnyX for the first time, it will run a S.M.A.R.T. verification check on the hard disk which helps in preventing any kind of system failures and will also makes sure that the volumes are clean so that you don’t experience an unusual volume structure. A good help guide aids application use with clear explanations and step by step guides. With OnyX you can set the number of parameters to be checked by the application which can include Spotlight, iTunes, Expose and even Dock. The fonts, user and even system files are cleaned completely by this application. You will need to close applications to clean them properly though. This helps Onyx work faster and more efficiently. It also comes with an automation option which helps you in keeping your hard drive clean at all times and maintains any issues that occur in this part. Those who have been facing system issues or start up issues with their Macs will find OnyX to be a useful utility. The application can also be used to delete logs from the computer or clear the system cache as well. It comes with a dialogue based interface as well and is a beginner friendly application. It is quite a flexible application too. It was launched only in 2003 and has a good development record. Overall, a good choice for all users.
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AVG AntiVirus
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Mozilla Firefox
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Super Radical Solitaire