あなたのパパについて? Mac用
あなたのパパ?はMac OS X以上で動作します。プログラムの現在のバージョンはプレビューで、英語のみで入手できます。
編集者レビュー · 2024年11月29日
あなたのパパ?はMac OS X以上で動作します。プログラムの現在のバージョンはプレビューで、英語のみで入手できます。
Who's Your Daddy?のバージョンPreviewに関する変更ログ情報はまだありません。出版社がこの情報を公開するのに時間がかかる場合がありますので、数日後にもう一度チェックして更新されたかどうかを確認した後、
変更ログ情報に変更があった場合には、お客様からの連絡をお待ちしております!次に進みます。お問い合わせページ 当社にご連絡ください。
Keynote is an easy to use and yet very powerful presentation software, designed by Apple. The Keynote software provides you with a massive array of tools and effects to ensure your presentations stand out from the crowd. It can be used for home, academic and business presentations. There are over 30 Apple-designed themes to choose from. The visual effects are simply stunning to use. When combined with graphics, transitions and images, you can create high quality presentations with a fresh look. Using Keynote you can create amazing presentations both quickly and easily. The software uses a simple drag and drop interface with a clean and well designed format panel and toolbar. Keynote automatically saves your presentation as you make changes and with iCloud you can access and edit your work from your Mac, iPad, iPhone, iPod Touch and iCloud.com. You can import a varied range of media types including; JPEG, TIFF, PNG, PSD, EPS, PDF, AIFF, MP3, AAC, and MOV. When you have created you masterpiece, you can export your presentations to Microsoft PowerPoint, PDF, QuickTime, HTML and image files. You can then share as Movie to Facebook, Vimeo, and YouTube. Main Features: Get Started Quickly Easy To Use Graphics Tools Cinema Quality Animations Share Your Work Easily As Apple says: Keynote. Your presentation. Totally decked out.
Apple iMovieを使用すると、見事なHDムービーやハリウッドスタイルの予告編を作成できます。ビデオライブラリを参照して、お気に入りのビデオを簡単に共有できます。ビデオは外部デバイスからインポートして、簡単に微調整、再配置、編集してから、共有したりDVDに書き込んだりできます。 機能が含まれます: 日付でサイドバーのイベントをソートするオプション新しいタイトルのフォント、サイズ、色を変更するタイムラインのトランジションをダブルクリックして、継続時間を調整しますイベント内のクリップの切り取りと回転調整バーを使用して速度効果を追加する速度効果の出入りをスムーズに切り替えるオプション
Fun and Engaging Side-Scrolling Castle Defense Game
VMware Fusion Proを使用すると、再起動することなく、だれでもMacでWindowsや他の何百ものオペレーティングシステムを実行できます。このアプリは、新規ユーザーにとっては十分にシンプルでありながら、ITプロフェッショナル、開発者、および企業にとっては十分に強力です。 主な機能は次のとおりです。 MacOS Sierra対応の VMware Fusion Proを使用すると、MacOS 10.12 Sierraを搭載したMacで仮想マシンを起動したり、サンドボックスで新しいmacOSを安全にテストしたりできます。 Windows 10向けに構築Windows 10を Macの仮想マシンとして実行するための完全なサポート。 柔軟なアプリインタラクションユニティモードではWindowsデスクトップが非表示になるため、WindowsアプリをMacアプリのように実行できます。 Dock、Spotlight、またはLaunchpadから直接起動し、Exposé、Spaces、Mission Controlで表示できます。 Macのショートカットと直感的なジェスチャーを使用して、Windowsアプリを簡単に操作できます。 スナップショット VMware Fusion Proでは、スナップショットを使用して「ロールバックポイント」を作成し、オンザフライに戻すことができます。 システム要件:64ビット対応Intel®Mac(Core 2 Duo、Xeon、i3、i5、i7以上のプロセッサーと互換性があります)最小4GBのRAM.VMware Fusion用に750MBの空きディスク容量、各仮想マシンに少なくとも5GB 仮想マシンのオペレーティングシステムインストールメディア(ディスクまたはディスクイメージ)。 Windows DirectX 10またはOpenGL 3.3に推奨されるグラフィックハードウェアには、NVIDIA 8600M以上およびATI 2600以上が含まれます。 ホストオペレーティングシステム: Mac OS X 10.9 Mavericks。 Mac OS X 10.10 Yosemite。 Mac OS X 10.11 El Capitan。 MacOS 10.12 Sierra。 ゲストオペレーティングシステムは次のとおりです。 ウインドウズ10 Windows8.X。 Windows 7。 Windows XP。 Mac OS 10.12 Sierra。 Mac OS X 10.11 El Capitan。 Mac OS X 10.10 Yosemite。 Mac OS X 10.9 Mavericks。 Ubuntu。 RedHat。 スーゼ。 Debian。 CentOS。 VMware Fusion Proは、macOSで最高の仮想マシンモニターの1つとして宣伝されています。俊敏性、生産性、セキュリティを毎日提供します。このアプリは、あらゆるレベルの専門知識を持つユーザーが非常に簡単にナビゲートできます。
Nox App Player for Mac is a free Android operating system emulator, that allows you to run Android apps on your Apple machine. A separate PC version is also available. Made by Bignox, Nox App Player for Mac works by creating a virtual Android tablet on your desktop. This of course means that you can enjoy Android apps and games with the benefit of a bigger screen, better hardware performance and easier controls. Users can modify player settings, including creating custom skins and even assigning CPU resources. Want to use a gamepad or joystick? No problem – you can easily map game commands to one of these peripherals. Another cool feature is that you can log-in on multiple accounts simultaneously. Key features include: A simple interface that makes the app easy to use. Intuitive keyboard mapping for app and game controls. Support for multiple control devices. A stable and reliable platform. Based on Android 4.4.2. Tips for downloading to your Mac: Due to the file size of this version, it will take some time to install on your Mac. Once the Nox App is installed on your Mac, launch it using the shortcut created on the desktop or just search for Nox App Player in ‘Programs’. After launching Nox App Player, you need to sign-up using a Google account. Finally, launch the Google Play Store on your Nox App Player Mac version and start downloading your favourite Android apps and games and enjoy! With more than a million users worldwide, the appeal of Nox App Player to gamers is clear to see. Looking for the Windows version of NOX App Player for Mac? Download Here PLEASE NOTE: Nox App Player does not work on Parallels Desktop for Mac.
LogMeIn Hamachi is a VPN service that easily sets up in 10 minutes, and enables secure remote access to your business network, anywhere there's an Internet connection. It works with your existing firewall, and requires no additional configuration. Hamachi is the first networking application to deliver an unprecedented level of direct peer-to-peer connectivity. It is simple, secure, and cost-effective. Advantages of LogMeIn Hamachi: LAN over the Internet - Arrange multiple computers into their own secure network, just as if they were connected by a physical cable. Files and Network Drives - Access critical files and network drives. Zero-configuration - Works without having to adjust a firewall or router. Security - Industry leading encryption and authentication. Cost Effective - Free for non-commercial use.
iPhoto Library Manager helps you to organise all of your photos, allowing you to browse and search across all your libraries directly from one place. To avoid duplicate photos, iPhoto Library Manager lets you analyze your libraries side by side, giving you the opportunity to delete any extra copies that you don't really need. The application also enables you to merge multiple libraries into one, whilst removing duplicate photos in the process. A great feature of this application is that you can create multiple iPhoto libraries rather than storing everything in one mammoth library. Having a larger number of smaller libraries means you can archive photos that you don't use and organise the ones you use more often into categories, gaining you quicker access to the files you need, when you need them.
EaseUS Data Recovery Wizard for Mac Free is able to recover deleted, formatted or otherwise inaccessible data from your Mac hard drive. You can recover documents, photos, music, videos, emails, folders, and archive files etc from Mac laptops and desktop computers. The app also supports multiple storage devices including external hard drives, USB drives, SD cards, memory cards, digital cameras, and MP3/MP4 players, etc. Key Features include: Supports all types of lost files, including photos, documents, videos, audio, emails, archives etc. Recover deleted, formatted or inaccessible data. Recover Time Machine backup drive. Recover lost data from deleted volumes & partitions. Recover lost data from Mac notebooks, desktops, Mac server, hard drive, USB drive, SD card, memory card, and digital cameras. Supports RAW recovery. Support for Mac OS X, 10.11 (El Capitan), 10.10, 10.9, 10.8, 10.7, 10.6. The app has a straightforward, crisp looking interface that asks you what type of files do you want to recover? You have seven options to choose from: Graphics, Audio, Email, Document, Video, Archive and Other. Simply choose which type of files you need and click Next. The next screen shows your connected drives and storage media, including Time Machine Backups etc. From here you can perform the scan to recover your data. Once scanned, if your requested data is not shown, then you can undertake a Deep Scan to try again. If you do locate it, you have to option to Export it to another storage area. Overall, EaseUS Data Recovery Wizard for Mac Free is a great app that can perform a really useful service. If you have ever been in the situation where you have ‘lost’ your data, then a solution such as this, can be priceless. As the this is freeware, you can’t go far wrong! The only downside we can see is the limitation of 2GB total recovery allowance, but apart from that, EaseUS Data Recovery Wizard for Mac Free is a superb disaster recovery solution. Support for macOS 10.12 (Sierra), Mac OS X 10.11 (El Capitan), 10.10 (Yosemite),10.9 (Mavericks), 10.8 (Mountain Lion), 10.7 (Lion), 10.6 (Snow Leopard). Supported languages include:English, Deutsch, Español, Français, Italiano, Português, Traditional Chinese), Chinese (Simplified).
PhotoSweeper is a precise and efficient tool that can eliminate duplicate or similar photos, even in large photo collections. It works with images from Apple Photos, iPhoto, Aperture and Adobe Lightroom libraries as well as photos from your hard drive and external storage devices. PhotoSweeper is a useful tool for many different scenarios. For instance, you may take a series of shots of the same scene trying to get the perfect one. You may edit photos with a 3rd part application such as Photoshop and make backups, just in case of file corruption, or you could just want to free up some disk space by removing junk photos. Key features include: Easy search of photos. Flexible, high speed comparison settings. Efficient. Auto duplicate marking. PhotoSweeper has a fresh interface that is easy to use with drag and drop functionality. Simply drag and drop folders from your Mac to allow PhotoSweeper locate all of the duplicate images held in that folder. You can also add more photos from your iPhoto, Aperture or Lightroom library via the Media Browser window. PhotoSweeper has powerful settings that can be configured in multiple ways, so you can locate duplicates, similar photos and a series of images. Overall, Photosweeper is a great tool that makes use of cutting-edge technologies and unique algorithms to make searching for duplicates a rapid process. *The trial application allows you to remove 10 photos only.
サンセットで夜間のワークフローを最適化 - 画面を暗くしましょう!
TeamViewer for Mac is a useful tool for Mac users looking to share desktop access with others over the internet. Formerly a tool used primarily by technicians to fix issues on host computers, TeamViewer is now used by millions of users to share screens, access remote computers, train and even conduct virtual meetings. TeamViewer connects to any Mac or server around the world within a few seconds. You can remote control your partner's Mac as if you were sitting right in front of it. Features: Control computers remotely via the internet Record your session and save it as a video file for playback Online meetings Drag & Drop files Multi-Monitor support.
VisualBoyAdvance for Macは、任天堂のハンドヘルドコンソールで利用可能なすべてのゲームをエミュレートできるゲームエミュレーターであり、1487 kbのフラッシュをサポートできます。また、アプリケーションはゲームに自動IPパッチを適用します。 このアプリケーションが提供するGameBoyおよびGameBoy Advanceエミュレーションは、エミュレートされた環境ではかなり正確です。 VisualBoyAdvance for Macはインストールが非常に簡単で、数MBのスペースしか使用しません。古いシステムでは非常にうまく機能しますが、新しいシステムにインストールするとクラッシュすることが知られています。 表示エラーが発生している可能性があり、画面に正しく収まらない場合があります。そうは言っても、古いGameBoy環境をサポートする最も包括的なアプリケーションの1つです。 VisualBoyAdvance for Macはそれほど複雑なアプリケーションではありませんが、初心者ユーザーは開始前にエミュレーションとその基本を学ぶ必要があります。 VisualBoyAdvanceのWindowsバージョンをお探しですか?ここからダウンロード
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